Our History

Rev. Shafqat Younas Sammy, the Founder of our Ministry was a born Christian, but his forefathers were strict Brahmins. They worship idols as their Gods and Goddess. His grand father Raj Shastri was priest in the temple. He would do all sort of mantras make the people to believe in the superstitions and wonders and miracles of the idols. In those days what he said is right and what he gives is the medicine. He is a man of 20th century. He had a son named Shankara shastri. He would help his father in all his works. When he was 25 years old a missionary visited their village from United States. He had shared a message on the “Living God” and “Life after Death - Eternal Life”. At the very moment he was changed and believed in real God. He was baptized and was named as Moses. By hearing this conviction his father sent him away from his house. He said that Christianity is a religion of backward class people and they are thrown away society in Pakistan. Then Moses and his wife came out of the house and started living among the backward society people. Here started their mission for Christ. His main aim is to develop the backward communities and work for Christ among them. His mission is - Every villager must have word of god with him/her. He worked for Christ for till 1976. Then rested in the presence of Christ on 12th august 1976. His work is now up taken by Sammy and his group. Here is our minstrel information.

Mountain of Jesus Ministries

A Project of Human Development